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Friday, April 26, 2013

Messages from Mom

The morning show

Spirit has been communicating with me since I was very young.  I receive messages in a variety of ways: thoughts, feelings, visions and words.  Sometimes  the messages are confirmed through scents, objects, signs, songs.  I also receive  messages in my dreams and when I meditate. There have also been times when I received messages and Spirit has communicated with me in less than ‘conventional’ ways.

Two of them happened with my Mom, shortly after she passed away.

It was an early morning days after Thanksgiving and Mom’s funeral, I found myself sitting in her favorite brown leather chair, staring blankly through the  TV.  I had automatically turned the channel to a morning show she watched.  I sipped coffee, as I prepared to start my day.  The show was doing  its daily outside segment . I saw the crowd standing behind the anchors,  but they all looked like a blur . The  crowd sound was muted for me.  Suddenly,  my focus sharpened on a woman at the side of the crowd, standing  on her own.   She was waving her right hand above her head to gain attention.  On screen, nobody looked.   I did!   It was Mom.  Glowing.  A creamy golden halo surrounded her entire body. Her green eyes were warm and loving.  She was wearing a beautiful white dress under a full length white coat. I made eye contact through the screen and her expression conveyed her excitement.  My mind tried to dismiss what was happening.  I said, “You can’t be in New York. Can you?” She said , “Yes. I am fine.  You know I love to travel and now I can be wherever I want, when I want.”  With her right hand, she blew three kisses and dissolved.   I knew the kisses were her way of showing her eternal connection to our family: my Dad, my brother and myself.

I love u 2

After Mom died, Dad was lost. I was lost. I wanted nothing more than to sit at the kitchen table with her sipping peach tea. One noontime I drove to Dad's office to bring lunch and check on him. As I drove, I talked to her. Pulling into a parking space, I ended the conversation by saying, "I love you."When I pulled  the key out of the ignition, I heard  an alert on my cell indicating I'd received a text. I picked the phone up and saw on the  screen that I had a message. I opened it and read: "I love u 2." No phone number  was listed for the sender.